Do they need an air pump like other aquarium fish? The answer lies in their ability to breathe comfortably without one, thanks to a special organ called the labyrinth, which allows them to take air directly from the surface. This means they don’t rely on dissolved oxygen in the water as much as other fish do. However, bubblers or an air stone can help increase oxygen levels and keep the tank environment healthy, especially if plants or other fish share the space.
Betta Fish and The Labyrinth Organ
Betta fish have a specialized labyrinth organ. This structure allows them to draw oxygen from the air, rather than just relying on gills to extract dissolved oxygen from water. The labyrinth organ enables betta fish to survive in thick water and low-oxygen environments, showcasing their ability to thrive even when oxygen levels are limited.
The labyrinth organ’s function is critical to the betta fish’s respiratory system, providing a backup method to absorb oxygen when water quality becomes challenging. This unique adaptation has enabled betta fish to thrive in environments that would be detrimental to other fish species.
If You Fave a Filter, You Don’t Need an Air Pump
A filter is enough to keep the tank water clean and provide some water movement. The small current from the filter gives the fish enough oxygen. An air pump is optional and not required unless you want extra bubbles or to power certain decorations in the tank.
What’s The Difference Between An Aquarium Filter And An Air Pump?
An aquarium filter and an air pump have different jobs in your fish tank.
- The filter cleans the water. It removes dirt, waste, and leftover food, helping keep the water clear and healthy for your fish.
- An air pump, on the other hand, adds air to the water. It creates bubbles, which increase the oxygen in the tank.
So, the main difference is that the filter cleans the water, while the air pump helps add oxygen.
Does Betta Fry Need an Air Pumps?
Betta fry (baby betta fish) doesn’t need strong air pumps. They are small and can be disturbed by too much water movement. It’s better to use gentle airflow or a sponge filter that doesn’t create strong currents.
When Should You Use Air Pumps?

When Betta Is Ill:
- If your betta seems sick or stressed, an air pump can help by adding extra oxygen to the water.
When Filter Dies Out:
- If your filter stops working, an air pump can help keep the water moving and oxygenated.
When Betta Isn’t Playful:
- If your betta isn’t as active as usual, it might not be getting enough oxygen. An air pump can help make the water more oxygen-rich.
- How Does Oxygen Exchange Work In Water?
Oxygen exchange in water happens when oxygen from the air moves into the water, and carbon dioxide from the water goes into the air. This usually happens at the water’s surface, where it meets the air. Fish and other aquatic animals need this oxygen to breathe.
- What To Do When Your Air Pump Is Too Strong?
If your air pump is too strong and causing bubbles or current problems in the tank, you can adjust it. Many air pumps have a control to lower the flow. You can also use a diffuser or an air stone to spread the air more gently.
- Do Air Pumps Destroy Bubble Nests?
Yes, air pumps can disturb bubble nests made by male betta fish. The bubbles are delicate and can break apart if there’s too much water movement or bubbles from the pump. It’s best to place the pump where it won’t disturb the nest.
- Are air pumps bad for a betta?
Air pumps aren’t bad for bettas as long as they are used properly. Bettas prefer calm water, so if an air pump makes the water too turbulent, it can stress them. Use a gentle pump or adjust the flow to keep your betta comfortable.
To conclude, betta fish have a unique ability to extract oxygen from the air thanks to their labyrinth organ, allowing them to thrive even in environments with lower oxygen levels. While an air pump can be helpful in certain situations, such as when a filter fails or if additional oxygenation is needed, it’s not always necessary for bettas to be healthy. Understanding the balance between water movement and oxygenation can help keep betta fish comfortable and thriving in their tank environment.